It's Holy Week one of my most favorite times of the year. The events that happened in the life of Christ during the week leading up to His Resurrection are moving and powerful. His Triumphal Entry into Jeruslem, the last supper, the betrayal of Judas, his prayer in the garden, the trial, sentence and execution were all part of God's plan. It had to happen so we could be free from the chains of sin. So we could one day be with the Father.
It's an emotional week just thinking of what Jesus did for me by taking my sin and shame and paying my debt overwhelms me. As I watched the Thorn last week in Sacramento I was reminded once again how much God loves me. I was reminded of why Jesus came. I often wonder what it would have been like to live when Jesus lived, to walk with God in the flesh. How would I have responded? Would I believe he was God's son sent to save the world? Or would I have betrayed him or denied him? I don't know how I would have responded then but now I say loud and strong, JESUS CHRIST IS KING!
I really do get very emotional this time of year. Just reading the scriptures of this week I tear up. Hearing people talk about the story of Christ, listening to songs tell the story, watching the story of what God did for you and me brings me to tears. But I will not apologize for it. I never want to lose this feeling.
I will admit some of the tears shed during this week are because of finishing up with the Thorn and missing my Thorn Family. And I miss them because we are all passionate about the same thing, sharing the story of Christ for the Glory of God. But I really am moved by the thought of John 3:16 "For God so LOVED the world, that he GAVE his only son, that whoever BELIEVES in him shall not die,but will RECEIVE everlasting life! God Loved, God Gave, We Believe, We Receive!
It's more than just a story, it's True and it happened for me and you! Enjoy Holy Week!