Our mission statement here in Kidscoast is to partner with parents in raising their children to be fully devoted followers of Christ. Notice it doesn't say to raise children to be fully devoted followers of Christ, but to partner with parents...This is key to me. Over the years I have had lots of parents ask me to sit down and talk to their children about becoming a Christ follower, but that really isn't my job. I mean I love to share Christ with kids, and I love when a child makes a decision to follow Christ but it is not what I'm here to do. No, my job is to equip, encourage and assist the parents in leading their child to Christ. As excited as I would be if a Children's Ministry worker came to me and said that one of my children made a decision to follow Christ in class, I would be disappointed if I wasn't there to lead them. As a matter of fact, both my boys asked Jesus into their heart during Bible Class with their mom. (we home school so Bible class is allowed). As excited as I was to hear the news, I have to admit I was a little disappointed that I wasn't there to pray with them. I was however the one who got to baptize them and that made up for it.
Sometimes I think parents either don't realize their responsibility or don't feel adequate to do the job. When we do our Family Baptism Celebrations at the church I always encourage the parents to baptize their own children. Not because I don't want to do it, and not just because I know the awesome feeling it is to baptize your own children. I encourage them because it is their job, their responsibility.
Deuteronomy 6 it clearly give the command for parents to teach their children. I joke with parents all the time reminding them that it does not say "Parents take your kids to church so the Children's Ministry workers can get your kids saved..." No it clearly is talking to parents. My job as a Children's Pastor is not to get your child saved, my job is to partner with you in getting your child into a relationship with Christ and to help you grow your child in that relationship. One ways the church does that is by providing age appropriate classrooms and teachings for children on the weekend and during the week. I have one homeschooling friend who tells her kids every weekend that if they learn something new about the Bible in Children's Church she will do their chores for them for a week. She feels so strongly that it is her job as a parent to teach them about the Bible and who God is and that it is the churches job to reinforce what the kids are learning at home. I love this!
Now I understand that this is not for everyone and that everyone is not a bible scholar. However, I do feel that if the parents are not expecting the church to reinforce what the kids are learning at home, then it is important for the parents to reinforce at home what the kids are learning in church.
Mind if I get on my soapbox for a minute...I believe that sports and the arts are important, but if they are pulling your child away from the church then you need to realign your priorities. (remember these are my thoughts and opinions that is why it is my blog, you don't have to agree with me). I just hate to see kids miss weekend services week after week only to find out it was because of a sport they were playing or a show they were in or whatever the excuse. I won't lie I'm not a sports fan, but I am a big fan and supporter of the arts but I won't let my kids miss church week after week because of one of these things going on. Church is a priority, not because I'm a children's pastor but because in our house, God is a priority. (okay off my box for now).
My point on all this is that Children's Ministry is not supposed to be the one who gets your child into a relationship with Christ, that is the your job, the parents, you are the spiritual leaders of your family. My job is to equip, encourage and assist parents, to partner with them, come alongside and to reinforce the biblical principles you are teaching them at home. So how can I do that for you, please let me know.
Just a thought, hope you found a nugget in that somewhere!