Thursday, May 15, 2014

Guest Post - It's Not What You Do, But Why You Do It!

Not sure if I mentioned it lately but I get to work with some amazing people here in Kidscoast! One of them is Lauren Crittenden. Lauren's been on staff with us in Kidscoast for what seems like an eternity...No really she's been on staff for six years. Lauren is one of our Elementary Director, she focuses on writing our creative scripts for the weekend as well as things like VBS and Christmas Programs. She is very creative when it comes to writing, I'm kind of afraid what goes on inside her head.  Anyway, Lauren sent the following to our elementary team and I asked her if I could post it as a guest post from her on my blog - so without further ado - here are THOUGHTS FROM LAUREN! I hope you find a nugget in it!

I felt very compelled to share something with all of you. A few days ago, my husband and I were listening to a motivational speaker and he said something several times that really stuck with me. He said, "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." 

Because of you guys, we get to do a lot of amazing "whats" in Children's groups, worship team, stories, skits, etc. We are blessed to be able to do really cool things in our ministry. Those are our "whats". I am constantly thinking about our "whats" in Children's Ministry. We SHOULD focus on the "whats" because we want to represent Jesus with excellence, but as I was listening to the guy speak, I was overwhelmed with the desire to reevaluate my "why". 

If families are going to be more motivated by why we do Children's Ministry, rather than what we do in Children's Ministry, than it is extremely important for me, and for all of us, to know why we do it. 

I am going to share my "why" with you and I hope that you will Reply to All and share yours. I think it will encourage all of us, as a team, to know why we serve in Children's Ministry. It may even strengthen some members of our team who might be experiencing a season of we all do sometimes. is my personal "why".

Growing up, I was raised in a very strict Baptist church. They inadvertently taught me that God is an angry God. I learned that if I wanted God to love me, I needed to behave perfectly. I struggled to live up to the standards I thought God had for me. I was a very stressed out little girl. Fortunately, God, in his mercy, rescued me from legalism and taught me that its all about His grace. I learned that I can never do anything to make God love me any more or any less. Now, I have a relationship with Jesus based on HIS goodness instead of mine. I choose to do Children's Ministry because my heart aches for our kids to know Jesus, to know that He is ALWAYS ready to open his arms to them, despite their mistakes and failures. I long for them to understand that He is our salvation, hope and joy, that a life with Jesus is a greater adventure than any we can have on Earth. That includes Disney World and summer vacation. =) During His time on Earth, Jesus was adamant that children be allowed to come to Him. He has a special place in His heart for kids, and so do I. I love to see them understand truth and I get excited watching the Holy Spirit transform their hearts and minds. They are NOT too young to do great things through the power of Christ.

That's my "why". What's yours?

I know I don't say this enough, but I love this team and I am overjoyed to serve with you.

Lauren Crittenden

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