So all the Rules up to this point have really hit home for me especially, well ALL of them! This season of life that I am in is, as a good friend put it, not so much a season of resting, but more of a season of wrestling. Wanting to hear from God to know what is next for our family and trying my best not to worry or stress out that I hear Him clearly. All the while having home repairs coming in faster than I like, wondering if there is move in the near future and trying not to go stir crazy. I have days that I really do like this season of life and enjoy being home with Meghan and the kids. Then there are other days when I feel like if I don't get a job and leave the house to do work soon I might end up in the funny farm. Unlike the Israelite Children I don't feel like I am stuck in a corner by a mountain and a sea, but there are days when I feel like I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Rule Seven of the Red Sea Rules by Robert J. Morgan states; Envision God's enveloping presence. The bible tells us many times throughout scripture that God is always with us. Deuteronomy 31:6 says God is always with us, He will never leave us or forsake us. Joshua 1:19; "For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Matthew 28:20; "And behold I am with you always to the very end of the age." God is always with us! I love what it says in Revelation 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I am the one who was and is and is to come." God knows our past, sees our future and is with us NOW!
God's presence was always with the Israelite Children. He went before them and behind them and the same is true for believers today; God is with us, his presence is always here we just need to stop and recognize it.
Robert Morgan gives the reader four things to do to master the practice of the presence of God.
- Affirm His nearness in your heart! Memorize and claim scriptures that remind you that God is with you - ALWAYS!
- Visualize God's presence in your mind. I love this one and one I need to get better at doing. Sometimes I forget that God is always with me, but if I visualize God beside me in all that I do, not just when I need Him life would be so much more peace filled.
- Access God's nearness through prayer - Back to rule number four - PRAY. I used to tell new believers that were having a hard time with praying to put a chair in the room and visualize God sitting in the chair and just talk to him. Makes prayer time easier for some people.
- Reflect His presence in your demeanor. Basically, how is your attitude? (I know, ouch!)
Let me leave you with a song that runs through my head so often when I'm talking to God or seeking him out, its called Holy Spirit and it is a great song that reminds us of what it is like in the presence of God. (click on the word Holy Spirit to hear the song)
These are my thoughts, hope you found a nugget in them somewhere.