Friday, August 21, 2015

Red Sea Rule #3

I hope you have been enjoying my thoughts on this book, but more importantly I hope you have purchased the book, The Red Sea Rules but Robert J. Morgan for yourself - click here to order. ( I get nothing from the purchase of this book) This is just one of those books that I had to share with everyone!
Quick review of Rules 1 & 2;

  1. Realize that God means for you to be where you are. (stop fighting it and praise Him for it)
  2. Be more concerned for God's glory than for your relief. (Ask; how can you be Glorified God?)
And Rule #3 - Acknowledge your enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord.

In case you didn't know it let me set you straight - Satan is real! John 10:10 tells us that the enemy comes to seek, kill and destroy. Many people don't believe in Satan and his demons, but I promise you he is real and he wants nothing more than to destroy God's children.  Since the beginning of time Satan has tried to become like God. He brought temptation and sin into the Garden of Eden. He is our enemy.  That is one of the reasons I love being a part of Thorn Productions. I love how they show the battle that is going on in the heavenly realms for the souls of man. 

Rule #3 tells us to Acknowledge your enemy, BUT to keep our eyes on the Lord.  So often I get into situations and can feel the attack of the enemy. I can hear him speaking lies into my head and can get so fixed on those lies. When I find myself fixated on the lies of the enemy I start to believe them and what he are saying. But when I realize that it is the enemy speaking, I acknowledge that it is Satan. I tell him to flee in the name of Jesus. The Bible tells us in James 4:7; Resist the devil and he will flee. I then turn my focus to God because the devil has no place in my thoughts.

During this season of my life there have been many times when Satan will try to get into my thoughts - placing doubt and fear in me. It is where a lot of the "What if???" questions I spoke about in my post yesterday come from.  Some days I recognize them for the lies that they are right away and rebuke them and the one saying them to me. Other days I hear them and I think about them, and I ponder them and I worry, and fear...but thankfully God shows me where those thoughts are coming from and I quickly turn my thoughts back to God and place my hope and trust in him.  
I can't imagine how people go through life without knowing and trusting God. 

So remember that when the hard times come and the enemy attacks - Acknowledge the enemy, BUT keep your eyes on the Lord.  After all Satan was already defeated at the cross and in the empty tomb. These are just some of my thoughts and I hope you get a nugget out of them. 

1 comment:

  1. Scott, thanks so much for your words! Thanks also for sharing these rules. Experience is a great teacher ....perhaps the best.....BUT sometimes we get to experience the lessons others have learned and that is the sweetest of all.
