Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams

I know that there are a lot of injustices going on in this world. I pray for the people involved in war around the world. But the death of Robin Williams is a great loss to so many.

Robin Williams was, in my opinion, an amazingly talented individual. There was not a film I saw him in that I did not like. I know Facebook is blowing up with posts about his death, and yet many others struggle and deal with depression and addiction and go unmentioned.  My prayer is that through Robin Williams passing, people will look closer at those around them, see the signs and get help for those who need it. Make yourself aware of the warning signs, for your kids, for your loved ones, for people you may meet on the street. Depression is a silent killer. Its not as easy as saying; "just cheer up, everything will be better." It doesn't work that way.  If you deal with depression or addiction, please reach out for help - talk with a professional, a friend, a parent, a teacher or a pastor. Get help, ask for help before it is too late.

Robin's passing will leave a large void in the entertainment world. He made so many people smile, yet on the inside he was struggling and dealing with so much that we, the general pubic, never knew.

Thank you Robin Williams for sharing your gifts and talents with the world and may you rest in peace. And my your family and friends find peace in this difficult time.
I would like to share my favorite scene from Dead Poets Society:  O Captain my captain

Just my thoughts on a man I admired as an actor. Hope you found a nugget in there somewhere.