Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy Birthday Tradd

So excited that my oldest is turning 11 this week! I love all my kids equally but all for their differences! I remember when we found out Meghan was pregnant with Tradd. A year earlier Meghan had an ectopic pregnancy and lost one of her Fallopian Tubes and her doctor told us our chances at having biological children were lowered. So needless to say we were very excited to learn Meghan was pregnant with Tradd. Meghan knew long before me, she kept it a secret from me for two weeks because that year my birthday and Father's day were on the same day and she wanted to give me the news for a present. I remembered we would read to him in utero, sing to him, talk to him. We read books, took classes. I was so excited to be a dad. I remember as we cam to the end of the pregnancy every time my phone rang I jumped, if Meghan woke up in the night I jumped...yes I was that husband. Well Tradd was due February 14th, but Meghan had to be induced on the 25th. I won't go into the details of the labor and delivery but I will say I remember crying when we found out Tradd was a boy! I was so happy, overflowing with joy! I was so excited to get my son home I even ran a red light. Not safe but God protected us from danger and traffic cops!
Some memories of Tradd through the years...

  • When Tradd was potty training and made his first poo in the potty he stood up and said; "Corn!" We all laughed!
  • Tradd never really liked eat veggies, one day he was sitting on the potty and yelled; "I can't poop, Someone get me a carrot."
  • He loves outdoors and wildlife, especially fishing and hunting
  • He loves folks with special needs, I'm sure it is because of Coleman!
  • He loves to create weapons out of duct take and cardboard tubes.
  • When he was little I had to beg him to let me read him a story at bedtime vs the encyclopedias he always requested
  • He loves bamboo
  • He loves succulents and has a succulent garden
  • His first favorite book was a field guide to birds
  • He loves to read! If he is not building a weapon, fishing, playing with his turtles he is reading a novel or encyclopedia.
  • He loves The Lord and I had the joy of baptizing him!
  • He serves every weekend in our special needs ministry classroom. So proud of him!
  • He's is not a big fan of movies, and he hates to go to a movie theater. 
I could go on and on but I'll stop!
Happy Birthday to my favorite eleven year old! Love you so much and I am so proud of the young man you are becoming!


  1. Happy Birthday Tradd!!!!! You are growing up so fast, it's hard to believe you are 11 already. I am very proud of you and love you a whole lot!!!!! Have a very Happy Birthday tomorrow. Love you lots!!!!

  2. Scott, I really enjoyed reading your beautiful tribute to Tradd, Meghan, first time fatherhood and your entire family! I am so proud of all of your accomplishments! And, I feel blessed to have been your teacher and still be a part of your life as a friend. God Bless all of the Kinney family AND......Have a GRRRRR-8 Birthday, Tradd!

    1. Thanks Terri! I love that we have stayed in touch over the years! I have learned lots from you about life and teaching!
