Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Red Sea Rule #8

Check out today's rule, its one I tend to get wrong most times.

No matter what your back ground is with the Bible I'm pretty sure at some point in time you heard how God parted the Red Sea for the Israelite Children to cross on dry land. It, to me, is one of the most fascinating miracles of the Bible. But I wonder how many of the Israelites standing by the Red Sea watching Moses stretch out his arms were thinking; "Watch this, the water is going to part and we are going to walk right across..." - I can't imagine any of them were. I'm thinking if it were me I would still be looking for a boat to show up and take us to safety.

This rule for me is another one I need to work on. Whenever there is a situation going on in my life and I am crying out to the Lord for help I have ways that I feel He should work. I know how I want the problem solved, I know how I want Him to answer, to work it out.  But in Isaiah 55:8-9 it says; "My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the Lord. "And my ways are far beyond untying you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts." 

I've always heard and seen in my life that God works in mysterious ways and this chapter in Robert J. Morgan's book The Red Sea Rules is just a reminder of how awesome God is. I tend to expect God to do what he as done in the past, for me, for my family and friends or even how he worked in the Bible.   If I am in a similar situation as before, I expect God to show up and do as he did before, but that isn't how God works.  Sometimes God performs a miracle. A super natural healing or protection. Sometimes God places someone or something in your life to provide you with what you need. A good friend to talk you down off the ledge, a job when you were down to your last $5. So many things that when you look back you know, that you know, that you know, it was the Hand of God providing. And then sometimes he works it out mysteriously. You don't know how it happened, what really took place, but you know that it was God. A stranger shows up with something you need and you never see that person again. Was it really a person or an angel sent by God to provide for you in your time of need.

In all the craziness that can go on in life, that is going on in life I tend to think I know what I want, how I want it and expect God to do that for me, but that isn't how God works. And you know what, I'm glad for it. God is able to do immeasurably far more than we could ever ask or imagine...Thanks be to God!

These are my thoughts, I hope you can find a nugget in them somewhere.

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