Monday, March 21, 2016

Holy Week - Song One

This is my most favorite time of the year. I just love Holy Week. I love the events leading up to the last days of Jesus' life and His resurrection. I love the songs that tell the story of Easter and all that surrounds it.  I wanted to share some of those songs with you. Please do me a favor and listen to the words - you might need to listen more than once.

This first song is by Ray Boltz - I believe Ray's songs are prophetic (I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb) and theologically powerful if you actually listen to the words. Yes I know they are oldies, but there is a reason they call them oldies but goodies!

The first time I heard his song, Watch the Lamb, I was on my way to visit a friend and I remember pulling into her driveway and just sitting in my car crying listening to the words of this song.  You see I can picture myself in the story. I can imagine being the person singing this song and the emotions he must have felt as the event unfolded before his eyes. To this day I can't listen to this song without tearing up.  Today as I was driving to work listening to this song I had a realization. The song talks about a father taking his two sons to Jerusalem with their lamb to make a sacrifice. As they enter the city there is riot taking place. The streets are filled with angry people - it is the procession of Christ heading to calvary. At the end of the song the children meet back up with their father and tell him that the lamb they brought to sacrifice had run away.  The realization is that the lamb was no longer needed. You see Jesus paid the price for our sins once and for all. We never need to sacrifice another living thing because Jesus was the sacrificial lamb that paid it all. So the lamb running away makes sense, because it is no longer needed. The final line says; (the father speaking about his two boys) So I took them in my arms and we turned and faced the cross and I said; dear children watch the Lamb!

I hope you enjoy this song and that it speaks to your heart and that you will take the time to listen to the words and imagine yourself there in Jerusalem on the day that Christ was crucified.

And remember what Christ did - He did for you and for me!

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