Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Red Sea Rule #4

Sorry for the break in my postings but things around the Kinney house have been a bit chaotic, (I'll explain more in the post) which is why I am excited to share with you Rule #4 from the Red Sea Rules;

Pray - should be the first thing we do, but tends to be the last...why is that?

Lets start off by looking at our story of the Israelite children down by the sea, the Bible tells us that they looked up and saw the Egyptians coming for them and "they cried out to the Lord." (Exodus 14:10) They prayed, I'm sure out of complete fear. Been there before - in a fearful situation and you cry out to the Lord. But you want to know the part that got me? The author of the book pointed out that they "cried out to the Lord. THEN they said to Moses, "because there were no graves in Egypt, have you ten us away to die in the wilderness?" (Exodus 14:10-11) The author points out that they cried out to God but they didn't seem to expect Him to answer.

I'm not sure about you but there have been times in my life where prayer was my last resort. I tried it Scott's way, I cried out to my friends and asked them for advice, but in the end the only way that really worked was God's way. Time after time I would do this pattern, and in the end I would say to myself; "Why didn't I just pray about it in the first place."

There have also been times in my life where I was in a situation or facing a decision and I cried out to God in prayer, but then started figuring out how I was going fix it, solve it, change it...I cried out but I didn't expect an answer.

For example we have repairs to our house that need to be done. They aren't wants, they are needs. (Please understand I am sharing this, not for you to feel sorry for us but rather so you can see how prayer is working in my life through these situations.) We need a new roof, our roof has been leaking for a while now and we keep putting it off because of the cost. Our AC unit is 25 years old and went out a couple of weeks ago, we have window units in the bedrooms but the rest of the house is pretty warm. We found standing water in our garage and thought it was just coming under the door from rain and the garden house, turns out we have a busted drain pipe and the pipe runs under our foundation so they have to tear up our kitchen floor, and possibly our living room floor to replace the broken pipe. All this at one time, while we are waiting to hear from God on what is next for the Kinney family. Lots of waiting, lots of frustration, lots of dollar signs. Through all of this there have been a few sleepless nights, because I started off thinking I need to find a solution to all these problems. Then I was reminded that I -ME - Scott Kinney - did not need to find a solution, all I need to do at this point is pray and seek God's advice, counsel and direction.  I needed to be reminded that in my time of need all I need to do is cry out to God in prayer. Psalm 18:6 says; In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. God hears the cry of HIs people.  Nothing is too Big or too Small for God to care about. If it is important to you, it is important to Him because he cares about you. 
So what is going on in your life today that you need to cry out to God for? I'm happy to join you in praying for God's Will and provision for you so please feel free to share them with me. You can email them to me at scottdkinney@gmail.com 
I would like to ask you to join the Kinney Family in praying for God's Will and provisions in all that we are facing too. I'm learning not to stress out about it but to focus on Rule #2 - Be more concerned for God's Glory than for your relief. I can't wait to see how these situations will play out and to see God be glorified in and through it.
These are just my thoughts, I hope you get a nugget out of it!

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