Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Red Sea Rules - by Robert Morgan

Did you ever get a book and start reading it and realize that it was a God given gift? That the contents of the book are what you need, right then in the situation of life that you are going through? Well that happened to Meghan and I. Meghan received a book from a friend called "The Red Sea Rules" by Robert J. Morgan. She read it first and would comment to me often on how I needed to read the book and how it applies to the season of life that we are currently in. I'll admit, I'm not a huge fan of reading, but during this season of rest for me I have been looking for books to read that will "inspire" me. I had just purchased a book by Joyce Meyer called "Get Your Hopes Up" and had started to read it and I cannot read more than one book at a time, it gets too confusing for me. So I decided to put my book down and read The Red Sea Rules because it was only on loan from Meghan's friend and we were going to need to return it soon.  I am so glad I am reading it!
It really is one of those - "this is what I'm going through" kind of books. Now I'm only on chapter three but as I have been reading I felt like I was to share some of my thoughts about the rules Robert Morgan talks about. But please, don't take my word for it, go get the book and read it yourself.

The book is about these Rules that Robert Morgan has pulled out from reading the story in Exodus 14 of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. So let's dive in to my thoughts...
Rule #1 states - Realize that God means for you to be where you are. This spoke to me because for the past almost four months I have found myself in a new season of life. I'm between jobs (I like to call it a semi-retirement) and trying to figure out what I want to do in the next season of life.  I admit it has not been my most favorite season of life so far. I'm hoping that one day I will look back and love this season for all kinds of great reasons, but for now I'm just being open and honest...I have struggled a bit with being in this season. I've enjoyed the vacation time with my family his summer, but the lack of routine and constant thoughts of "what's next" has been less than enjoyable for me. But after reading Rule #1 I am realizing that God has me in this season of life for a reason. I may not understand it, I may not even like it but God put me here - He not only allowed me to be in this season, I believe he orchestrated the whole thing. 
Just like God lead the Israelite Children across the desert to the Red Sea and had them camp there, I believe he has lead me to this season I am in and wants me to camp here. I don't know for how long, it may be for another week, maybe another ten months, only God knows. But I'm here and I'm here for a reason. It may be to learn to rest, it may be to learn to trust him, but whatever the reason, I am realizing that God means for me to be where I am right now. And if I were to be honest with myself I really am starting to enjoy it, especially when I keep my focus on God and know that He placed me here and he will release me in His perfect timing. And when I keep my focus on God the "what ifs..." of life don't seem to matter as much because I know God's Got this.
Those are my thought on Rule #1 - Realize that God means for you to be where you are.  If you have read the book share with me your thoughts as we go through these rules together. If you have not read the book I recommend you get it. Here's a link to get it on Amazon - Red Sea Rules
I hope you got a nugget out of this somewhere!

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