Thursday, August 20, 2015

Red Sea Rules #2

Today I'm looking at rule #2 of the Red Sea Rules by Robert Morgan. Rule #1basically told us God has us where we are...Rule #2 states; Be more concerned for God's Glory than for your relief. WOW! Looking at the story of the Israelite children from the book of Exodus, Chapter 14, God lead them out of Egypt and they are now camped out over in the corner of the desert by the mountain and the sea. Then God hardens the heart of Pharaoh who leads his army to kill the Israelites. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
We've all been there. We have all faced being stuck with no where to go and feeling like the world was coming down around us. I know for me I have always asked God to make a way out for ME! To remove ME from this problem/situation. But what Robert Morgan is saying is that instead of us asking God to remove us from the situation. Instead of asking God how do I get out of this? We should ask; "God how will you be glorified in this situation I'm facing?" When we change our question and take the focus off of us, God can do some incredible things and he will receive the Glory.
I know for me in my current season of life I get anxious about what is to come. I have lots of "What if..." questions. What if I don't find another job? What if we have to move away? What if the house doesn't sell? What if, What if, What if... Then I realize that my focus is on me and what I can do and how I can work out the situations in life. After reading this chapter, I'm trying to refocus my questions into "How can you be glorified in my current situation God?" (trust me, its not always easy, but it helpful). If God can part the Red Sea and save the Israelite children from Pharaoh, and that same God can raise Jesus from the dead, then I'm pretty confident he can find me the right job, he can provide for my family, he can sell the house...nothing is impossible for God! So I can worry and ask, get me out of this situation, or I can stop and say God how can you be glorified in my current situation.  I'm thankful that God has me in my current season and confident that he will be glorified as he walks me through my situation.
Those are my thoughts - I hope you get a little nugget out of it all!

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